Chair: Anoushka Kale

College: Sidney Sussex

Subject: English

CRSid: ak2452

Why I’m a liberal: “Everyone deserves the right to do what they want, provided it doesn’t infringe upon the rights of others, and to be treated with respect and equality.

Secretary: Sarah Anderson

College: Fitzwilliam

Subject: Classics

CRSid: sa2024

Why I’m a liberal: Because I believe that the actions of an individual should only be limited to prevent harm to others. Freedom of my fist and all that

Junior Treasurer: James Quayle

College: Trinity

Subject: Law

CRSid: jq266

Why I’m a liberal: “In a political environment often defined by anger and intolerance, it is liberalism that stands for the voice of reason and can bring hope and unity”

Women’s and Non-Binary: Isha Harris

College: Queens’

Subject: Medicine

CRSid: inah2

Why I’m a liberal:Free expression makes for robust politics and happy people.

Campaigns: Chang Liu

College: St John’s

Subject: Medicine

CRSid: cl861

Why I’m a liberal: “I believe individuals are best placed to make decisions about themselves and their lives. Liberalism empowers the individual to best fulfil their potentials.”

Social Events: Alex Mitchell

College: Queens’

Subject: HSPS

CRSid: am3088

Why I’m a liberal: I’m a liberal because I believe that providing individuals with as much freedom of thought and action as possible, insofar as they do not bring excessive harm to others, is the best way to maximise our overall happiness.

Speakers: Jack Peters

College: Gonville and Caius

Subject: HisPol

CRSid: jp2055

Why I’m a liberal: “It is the empowering creed that individuals should be the ultimate decision makers in their lives as long as this doesn’t infringe others capability to do so. With liberation of the individual comes a healthy, diverse society.”

Membership Development & Alumni: Olivia Arney

College: St John’s

Subject: HSPS

CRSid: oa336

Why I’m a liberal: “I’m a liberal because I really believe in the importance of democracy, community and human rights.

Communications Officer: Vacant




Why I’m a liberal:

Graphic of the CULA Membership Cards, with the text "Cambridge University Liberal Association, Established 1886"

Senior Treasurer: Eugenio Biagini

College: Sidney Sussex

Position: Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, History Faculty

CRSid: efb21